Several Moves Ago

Emily Smith Pearce Copyright 2000

Emily Smith Pearce Copyright 2000

Moves feel like such milestones, and I tend to segment my memories by them, maybe because I’ve moved a lot in my adult life. 

I found these old paintings in my attic, and they took me back, way back. I painted them when I was living in what I fondly call my “bachelorette apartment” in Boston, MA. The place had its issues, to put it mildly, but it was a good time in my life. I did a series of paintings of nearly every room in the apartment. Most of the crazy furniture we got off the street. 

Sadly, I didn’t have enough foresight to spend more on my materials. These two were painted on discarded foam core. Note to self: even when low on funds, use quality materials. My current home is now almost completely empty and echo-y.  I kind of like it this way except for the fact that I can’t find anything.


3 thoughts on “Several Moves Ago

  1. I don’t know, Emily. Lost paintings on once discarded foam core sound kinda cool to me. It seems to go with the “use what’s available” theme of folk art. The whole painting–materials and all–speaks to where you were at the time physically, emotionally, and economically.

    Or I could be full of it… 🙂

  2. I loved seeing the pictures of the apartment in Boston. I had forgotten about that stove. I remember how I felt when I first saw where you were living but it really grew on me and it certainly had character. You had some good times in that place. Bama

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